
The realization of the project will bring to each Individual the call to Unity and recall the main values ​​of peaceful life that are easily destroyed by the war. The project will allow to unite military and civilians of Ukraine despite of religion, geographic location and general political views.

The transformation of cold steel - the fragments of the war in the East of Ukraine - into a memorable sign of a life-long struggle of Good and Evil, a reminder to future generations that there is nothing more important than PEACEFUL life.

Project objectives

  • Coverage of information in the media on the start of the project implementation: a creative competition for the launch of similar projects in other cities / regions of Ukraine, the organization of points for collecting fragments, shell fragments and remnants of ammunition in ATO participants and citizens who suffered from military actions in the East of the country. Green Stripe will gradually cover the activities of project participants on the creation of the Bell of Peace and Unity.
  •  Involvement of the public to determine the best location of the memorial architectural composition of the Bell of Peace and Unity. Preparation of project documentation and approval in relevant executive bodies.

Solemn opening of the Bell of Peace and Unity, invitation of veterans and ATO fighters, all those who remains indifferent to events in Ukraine and supports this Project. Green Stripe will implement this project jointly with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which will increase the combat spirit of the troops and the rating of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a whole. The Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Army General Stepan Poltorak, in every possible way supports the idea declared by our organization - the construction of the Bell of Peace and Unity.